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Walking Adventures

Where we live, it’s the perfect weather for a walk. Try it, whether it’s a long intentional walk or just spending a few minutes with a young child while waiting at a restaurant. Make that walk a creative adventure by bringing along some imaginary friends … or telling a story about what is happening along the way. Try some of these, for example.

* Look up! WOW! Did you see Super Grover flying over that tree? (Or perhaps, Spiderman is a better choice for your young person!) Where is he going? Let’s follow him!

* Take some giant steps — “I’m a lion on this walk. Can you walk like me? Now, you walk like an animal and I’ll copy you.”

* Let’s bring Cinderella with us. “Come on, Cinderella, want to take a walk?”

I’m sure you get the picture. Ryan and I decided to leave the table the other night when the service was a little slow at a restaurant. We “met” so many of her favorite friends. Even Abby Cadabby who waved her magic wand and transformed us — right there outside the restaurant.

Sharla Feldscher has always been a "kid-believer!" She's written six books on creative activities to enjoy with young children and has written for magazines, newspapers, broadcast media and now has this blog with one easy-to-do KIDFUN tip each blog. She is also the owner of a public relations business in Philadelphia.


  • Jackee Swartz

    When I take Eden for long rides I tell her interactive stories. “Once upon a time there was a little girl named (she fills in Eden). She was riding in the car and saw a (she fills in what she sees). We then make up imaginary conversations with people she might meet at the places we see. It helps make the trip seem shorter and encourages using adjectives too.

    September 10, 2010

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