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How Many Steps??

It’s bright and sunny and it’s … time for a walk.  Anywhere! In the neighborhood, in a park, on the beach, on a wooded trail. And, to keep the walk interesting, play this guessing game. Look at something in the distance and guess how many steps it will take to get there. Compare whose guess is the closet.

Here are some examples. Look at the red car parked down the street. Estimate your steps — will it take 100 steps? Will it take 50? Ready, set … count! Before you know it,  you got to that red car. Try it in the woods, looking ahead at a tree that stands out from the others, or a log or a flower or rock. Try it with the traffic light or stop sign in the distance or the pier on the beach. Take turns picking objects and get everyone in the act of counting “How Many Steps” it will take to get there. It’s not as easy as you’d think!

Sharla Feldscher has always been a "kid-believer!" She's written six books on creative activities to enjoy with young children and has written for magazines, newspapers, broadcast media and now has this blog with one easy-to-do KIDFUN tip each blog. She is also the owner of a public relations business in Philadelphia.