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Dance Party!

I did a really fun thing last night … I went to a Dance Party! It was an all-girl party. It was a first for me but I figured I dance with my friends when we go to weddings, why not try it?

Well, it was really fun. We worked up a sweat, which was the plan because it was held at a work-out studio. In some ways it reminded me of when I was young – dancing in my basement to the record player. (Now, I’ve aged myself!)

So I said to my friend Barbara — I’ll make this a KIDFUN activity! It’s really a perfect way to get kids energized, to have them be more physical and work up a sweat. All you have to do is collect high energy music on your iPod or MP3 player — like “Single Ladies” by Beyonce — and when a couple kids are in the house, turn on the music and see what happens.

Last night Betsy, the instructor who coordinated this, gave out neon lit plastic microphones and she lowered the lights. What kind of prop could you give the kids? Do you have a bunch of hats they can put on while dancing? Check out the dollar store some time … maybe you can get creative and just buy some “stuff” to keep around the house to brighten a dull moment. Actually, that’s exactly what a dance party will do — brighten a dull moment! And, invigorate the kids, get them physical and take them away from their electronic devices for a bit!

Sharla Feldscher has always been a "kid-believer!" She's written six books on creative activities to enjoy with young children and has written for magazines, newspapers, broadcast media and now has this blog with one easy-to-do KIDFUN tip each blog. She is also the owner of a public relations business in Philadelphia.