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Sewing Whizzes and Other Shared Projects

I have a friend, Carol Hyman, who is truly a sewing whiz and a creative genius. Some people just have “it,” ya’ know! And  her granddaughters love to join in the fun with “Grammy.” For Julia (almost 9), she loves crafts and sewing. For Gabriella (5), it’s painting!

Carol told me about a wonderful project she’s doing with Julia. They are making a doll. It’s their shared project.   Every Wednesday afternoon when they hang out together, they get to work on their project and I thought having a project to share — anything — is such a good idea. It’s that personal reward of working toward a goal and when it’s finished knowing you did it together. So one week they stuffed the doll, another they worked on the dress or the hair or the …. well, you get the idea.

Perhaps, your project could be painting. We hear Gabriella loves to paint. Their workroom is filled with her artwork. Maybe one day they’ll come up with a project to paint something big together or design a “mural!” Who knows! But, the shared project could be woodworking or writing a book together or recording a song! Anything is possible — just so it’s something you both enjoy and it’s … FUN!

Thanks, Carol, Julia and Gabriella!

Sharla Feldscher has always been a "kid-believer!" She's written six books on creative activities to enjoy with young children and has written for magazines, newspapers, broadcast media and now has this blog with one easy-to-do KIDFUN tip each blog. She is also the owner of a public relations business in Philadelphia.


  • Sherry Wolkoff

    Really like this idea. I can’t sew at all, but maybe my granddaughter and I can write a book together, since that’s my”thing”! Will start working on this! Sherry

    June 23, 2010

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