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Sally’s Magic in the Kitchen!

My friend Sally Friedman, a wonderful writer, wrote a column yesterday that is just perfect for KIDFUN. She said I could share it.

Sally tells a story about how nothing cheered up Hannah, her homesick three-year-old granddaughter, like making “magic” in the kitchen!

How’d she do it? Can you guess? … With egg whites, of course!

Of all the games and distractions Sally tried, it was the allure of making “magic” that intrigued Hannah the most. Sally opened the refrigerator, took out the eggs and Hannah watched her crack them open. For a three year old, even separating the whites from the yolks is fascinating. But, when she took out a hand mixer and started whipping those whites into tall peaks, THAT was the magic! Hannah not only forgot about missing her parents she wanted to make more and more magical peaks, right there in Grandma’s kitchen!

And, to this day — whipping up egg whites is a special memory for Hannah, who is now a teenager … even more for Sally! And it was such a hit, she’s done it with all her grandchildren.

Here’s to making your own magic with the special children in your life!

Sharla Feldscher has always been a "kid-believer!" She's written six books on creative activities to enjoy with young children and has written for magazines, newspapers, broadcast media and now has this blog with one easy-to-do KIDFUN tip each blog. She is also the owner of a public relations business in Philadelphia.


  • I had such good memories in the kitchen with both my grandmas growing up. Makes me sad my daughter will miss out on that as my died before she was born. I’ll have to try to do some of those special magical moments with her that I can remember.

    Egg whites is a great idea…thanks!

    June 6, 2010

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