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Halloween Ideas — Wanta’ Share? Wanta’ Decorate?

I know — it’s not Halloween yet, but it is October, and, well, you know how it is with holidays. They seem to start earlier and earlier. So, let’s all get in the spirit together.

Want to share some of your favorite Halloween memories? Maybe we can make them into KIDFUN ideas for others to enjoy!

I’ll start with a tip. Decorate. This one could stretch out the month. Make an orange and black paper chain to hang throughout the house. Make lots of them!

All you have to do is cut 1″ strips from black and orange construction paper that is the standard size of 9 x 12. If you have a paper cutter, that would be great. If not, do it while watching TV! It won’t take very long.

Then leave piles of these strips in two baskets. One for the orange, one for the black. Have tape nearby and, while the kids are watching TV, they can start. It’s simple. Roll one strip of black paper into a circle and tape it together. Then slip an orange strip through the black circle and tape that one together and on and on and on.

Everyone can contribute to this activity and make one gigantic black and orange paper chain to hang throughout the house or they can make lots of them to hang in doorways, on windows, on mirrors … everywhere!

Have fun!

Sharla Feldscher has always been a "kid-believer!" She's written six books on creative activities to enjoy with young children and has written for magazines, newspapers, broadcast media and now has this blog with one easy-to-do KIDFUN tip each blog. She is also the owner of a public relations business in Philadelphia.


  • Jackee Swartz

    How about an I PHONE A big I on your front and a phone in your hand!


    Facebook……….Wear a “book” made out of poster board in front and “face” another poster board in the back.

    October 9, 2010

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