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Books Come Alive – Even at Unexpected Moments

Do you have a favorite story you read or tell your young child? Mine has always been Caps for Sale. Last night, we attended a special ceremony and it was just too much for Ryan. At only 2 1/2 we didn’t really expect her to last.

When I joined her in an outer room, we found some props and before you knew it, there she was the man who sold caps, piling them up so carefully on her head and then losing them to a bunch of imaginary monkeys.

It reminded me just how much fun creative dramatics is for young children. And, what’s perfect — it works anywhere! While waiting for a doctor in an examining room, waiting for food at a restaurant or hanging out on a rainy day. Bring your books to life, even without the printed page!


  • Laura Kelly

    This reminds me of when my daughter was younger, she will 21 next month, but not so much a book, but a movie. She loved Hocus Pocus that we would act out the movie everyday. If even made her a magic book out of an old copybook and a brown grocery bag!! I miss those days, but deeply cherish the memories.

    Have a great day Sharla!

    May 19, 2010
  • Ann-Linn Glaser

    I was recently visiting a neighbor with young kids and the 5 year old walked out of the house with 3 or 4 baseball caps piled on his head. I said “you look just like the book Caps for Sale”- but neither he nor his mother had heard of that book. I went back to my boxes of special books that we treasured, and found such an old copy that I had to tape it together. I brought it over to my neighbor’s house and introduced that beloved book to the next generation. When I showed him the picture of the peddler with the caps piled on his head – the 5 year old squealed with delight.

    May 19, 2010

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