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Ryan’s Shoe Store

It was as simple as this …. we went shopping. After all, it’s back to school season and Ryan needs new shoes. For some reason, shoe shopping is just plain fun for her. And, before you knew it, we were playing shoe store IN the shoe store. The world of imagination …. if only we all did it more often! While waiting, I became the salesperson and she was the customer, and, besides buying (for real) four pair of shoes, it led to today’s KIDFUN idea. Play shoe store at home. What’s your inventory? The child’s closet!

Set up a chair or a stool near the closet in your child’s room and line up some stuffed animals or dolls. Then, the child is the salesperson and she can start trying on different selections for her “customers!” If your child has a play cash register and play money, even better. Let’s see how many orders she can handle!

And, be sure she understands that keeping the inventory in order is very important so she easily find a shoe for her next customer. (Maybe they’ll be a cleaning up lesson in this game, too!)

Sharla Feldscher has always been a "kid-believer!" She's written six books on creative activities to enjoy with young children and has written for magazines, newspapers, broadcast media and now has this blog with one easy-to-do KIDFUN tip each blog. She is also the owner of a public relations business in Philadelphia.


  • Judy Doherty

    Hey girlfriend….you are too much. Where do you get your energy and ambition! I am in total awe! You go, girl!!! You make the Class of 63 quite proud>
    Hugs and more hugs, Judy “Squires”

    August 20, 2010

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