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How Many Ways Can You Giggle?

I got the best voicemail from my kids the other day. It was Amy (the mom), Scott (the dad) and Ryan, my 4 year old granddaughter, telling a Knock-Knock joke that I could barely understand followed by wild laughter by all three of them. Now THAT’s a voicemail I should save for life!

Think of it — don’t you love laughing out loud with your friends? How about your family? To me, there’s nothing better.

So, why don’t you all laugh to see who can make the silliest giggle? Who can make the longest laughter? How many of you can laugh at the same time? Oh, I have an idea! Why doesn’t one person, perhaps the child, pretend to lead an orchestra but it’s a family of laughers. She waves her pretend wand and everyone laughs (anyway they like) and she stops and they have to freeze! She starts up again and, well, you get the idea. It can start as ha ha ha’s or hee hee hee’s and who knows what they will turn into, hopefully a great giggle straight from the belly!

Sharla Feldscher has always been a "kid-believer!" She's written six books on creative activities to enjoy with young children and has written for magazines, newspapers, broadcast media and now has this blog with one easy-to-do KIDFUN tip each blog. She is also the owner of a public relations business in Philadelphia.