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Cherish Those Holiday Memories – Make a CD

My friends Paul and Val Jost love spending time with Morgan, Michael and Jonathan, three very special boys in their life. After they had fun baking cookies with them over the holidays, Paul had them talk about it on the voice memo on his cell phone. Because he’s also a musician with a drum set in the house, they even got to play the drums and record their music. Paul says it was really easy to e-mail the messages to his computer, download them onto a CD and make this CD of their special holiday memories. It seemed a bit complicated to me but he assured me, anyone can do it!

Think of great ways you and the kids can cherish your holiday memories. Share them with us. I’d love to tell our readers and give your family credit, too.

Thanks, Paul and Val!

Sharla Feldscher has always been a "kid-believer!" She's written six books on creative activities to enjoy with young children and has written for magazines, newspapers, broadcast media and now has this blog with one easy-to-do KIDFUN tip each blog. She is also the owner of a public relations business in Philadelphia.